Picking a Web Designer

Picking a Web Designer

Last week, we discussed things to do before you hire a designer. Now you’re ready to move forward.  But there are many web designers available and with so many, you’re likely wondering, “How do I pick the right one for my website?” Here are...
The About Page

The About Page

The purpose of the ‘About Us’ page is to give visitors a glimpse into you and your business. As with any page, it needs to answer the questions – Who is this?  Why should I care? What do I do next? A good About page can be difficult to write, but don’t...
Responsive web design and Google

Responsive web design and Google

RESPONSIVE WEB SITES Responsive web design is not just a buzzword or a passing trend to ignore. Rather, it’s the new standard in professional web design and search engine optimization. It’s common for people to use multi-screen browsing, meaning they may...