by Lisa-Ann Oliver | Mar 13, 2018 | Practical tips
Last week, we discussed things to do before you hire a designer. Now you’re ready to move forward. But there are many web designers available and with so many, you’re likely wondering, “How do I pick the right one for my website?” Here are...
by Lisa-Ann Oliver | Mar 5, 2018 | Design, Website elements
The bug has bitten. You want to design (or redesign) your website. You want it to be beautiful, capture interest, draw visitors and get noticed. But before you even begin thinking about the design itself, spend time in preparation and save yourself hours of extra...
by Lisa-Ann Oliver | Feb 20, 2018 | Marketing, Website elements
The purpose of the ‘About Us’ page is to give visitors a glimpse into you and your business. As with any page, it needs to answer the questions – Who is this? Why should I care? What do I do next? A good About page can be difficult to write, but don’t...
by Lisa-Ann Oliver | Apr 9, 2016 | Design
By Sarah Haas As a millennial, I’m part of a unique generation gifted with the context of growing up in a pre-tech world while coming-of-age in a global, tech-savvy landscape. As a result, millennials are the last generation to remember life without reliance on...
by Lisa-Ann Oliver | May 4, 2015 | Design, SEO
RESPONSIVE WEB SITES Responsive web design is not just a buzzword or a passing trend to ignore. Rather, it’s the new standard in professional web design and search engine optimization. It’s common for people to use multi-screen browsing, meaning they may...