News, info and practical tips

The New GDPR and Its Effect on Analytics

The New GDPR and Its Effect on Analytics

Many things are happening this month in addition to preparation for Gutenberg 5.0. Some of the changes that may impact you are: • General Data Protection Rule (GDPR), going into effect May 25, 2018. • Google Analytics Changes. • Google "Mobile-First Indexing”. We have...

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A newbie’s view of Gutenberg 5.0

A newbie’s view of Gutenberg 5.0

In this second entry in a series about the upcoming Gutenberg 5.0 WordPress upgrade, I wanted to try something a bit differently. I wanted to discuss using Gutenberg from the standpoint of a mildly experienced WordPress user, namely me. To put things in perspective, I...

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Keep Your Website from Becoming  a Neon Sign

Keep Your Website from Becoming a Neon Sign

In an age where technology is developing faster than most people can keep up with it, there is a tendency to incorporate the newest and most advanced features in websites. At the same time however, a little restraint should be encouraged in order to prevent websites...

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Making the Home Page Feel Like Home

Making the Home Page Feel Like Home

The old saying that you only get one chance at a first impression applies just as much to websites as it does to people. The home page of a website can trigger a split second decision for a user as to whether or not they want to leave the site or continue digging...

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Why it’s Always a Good Idea to Update Your Website

Why it’s Always a Good Idea to Update Your Website

Establishing a web presence online can be a long and extensive process, so there is a tendency for many to leave their website untouched after its initial completion. Not only is neglecting a website an unwise decision from a business perspective, there can also be...

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Picking a Web Designer

Picking a Web Designer

Last week, we discussed things to do before you hire a designer. Now you're ready to move forward.  But there are many web designers available and with so many, you're likely wondering, "How do I pick the right one for my website?" Here are some things you should...

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Before you begin your website – Prepare!

Before you begin your website – Prepare!

The bug has bitten.  You want to design (or redesign) your website.  You want it to be beautiful, capture interest, draw visitors and get noticed.  But before you even begin thinking about the design itself, spend time in preparation and save yourself hours of extra...

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The About Page

The About Page

The purpose of the ‘About Us’ page is to give visitors a glimpse into you and your business. As with any page, it needs to answer the questions - Who is this?  Why should I care? What do I do next? A good About page can be difficult to write, but don't ignore it. ...

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Hate Spam Email? You are Not Alone.

Hate Spam Email? You are Not Alone.

After recently reviewing our website data, we found it interesting that most if not all of the news media are focused on hacking by Russia only, when in fact it is a world-wide event. If you have a website and/or email, you have definitely seen an uptick of spam...

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Personalized web design services for home-based and small businesses, nonprofit organizations, groups, individuals, and churches.

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PO Box 3956, Sequim, WA 98382
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